Advanced Roadmaps

Advanced Roadmaps — Agile plans based on real-time data

Imagine having sub-five minutes access to a realistic forecast based on your teams' velocity and all activities in the teams’ Jira Software boards. The plan in Advanced Roadmaps for Jira is based on real-time data from Jira. Create a master backlog, which spans your teams, and get decision support for the tough priorities required to get the most customer benefit available in the next delivery.

Advanced Roadmaps for Jira provide the right decision support

Advanced Roadmaps give teams the strength to work autonomously with ownership of their backlog and activities, combined with agile planning and traceability. The forecast generated in the plan gives your product management team the right support for their decisions. Advanced Roadmaps is available as a Marketplace app for your Jira Software Data Center instance and in the Atlassian cloud. Advanced Roadmaps is part of the premium package.

Our Atlassian partner team will help you!

Stretch Addera helps you get started with licenses, workshops and courses. We are the Scandinavian supplier that got on the train early with Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio for Jira).

Kick-start your plan!

Stop reinventing the wheel and kick-start your plan with our Atlassian partner team today! Contact us and we will tell you more.